2000 toyota vista
2000 toyota vista
2000 toyota vista
2000 toyota vista
2000 toyota vista
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2000 Toyota Vista when reduce speed engen switch off automaticly problems in Botswana

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Date:February 22, 2011, 4:33 pm
Location:Botswana, South-East, serowe
Vehicle:Toyota Vista
General comments:6 months ago i had same problem then i scan the car report came that accerolator censor is not working properly then i change it. now again the same problem started.
Problems:i got toyota vista model 2000, engene 3s. when i reduce speed it switch off engene.
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May 12, 2011, 11:42 am  from: patrick waiganjo
i had the same problem and when i took it to the garage we cleaned the carburetor chamber. it had a lot of soot
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April 15, 2016, 9:10 pm  from: obert kamangira
My toyota vista 1999 model is not idling, when i remove the foot from the acceralator it cuts off.
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Updated on June 2, 2024