1994 toyota corolla wagon
1994 toyota corolla wagon
1994 toyota corolla wagon
1994 toyota corolla wagon
1994 toyota corolla wagon
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1994 Toyota Corolla Wagon extra fuel consumption and power loss on hills problems in Fiji

Report a Problem

Date:June 30, 2010, 3:42 am
Name:Maroof Ramzan
Location:Fiji, Central, Suva
Vehicle:Toyota Corolla Wagon
Problems:My G- touring car consumes lots of fuel.For $20 worth of fuel it can only last for 50ks.I had already changed to genuine toyota spark plugs,fuel filter,air filter,injectors adjusted the timming with a timming torch but still no difference.
Secondly at flat roads the vehicle runs smoothly but when going on hills it moves heavily with not much power.
Now my mechanic suggested that i should change the engine after replacing so many genuine parts.
Please help me as iam totally lost.

Toyota G-Touring
Frame No:AE100-8029004

Suggest a Solution

June 19, 2011, 3:32 pm  from: pat
dont give up. get a good mechanic who will fix it. i also had a similar problem.

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Updated on June 1, 2024