1994 toyota cresta
1994 toyota cresta
1994 toyota cresta
1994 toyota cresta
1994 toyota cresta
More photos Toyota Cresta

1994 Toyota Cresta trouble shooting problems in Fiji

Report a Problem

Date:January 5, 2010, 7:31 am
Name, Location:nimish,fiji.
Location+:Fiji, Central
Vehicle:Toyota Cresta
General comments:a toyota cresta is not starting.
Problems:once it was nicely parked but after 5 mitutes, tried to start but it did not start,and it has been two weeks it is at its place and not yet started,the computer board has been reniewed but still not working.
Previous car:mark 2
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Suggest a Solution

April 19, 2010, 11:03 pm  from: Praneet
Bro did u manage to get ur car fixed?
Contact: show contact
September 12, 2011, 7:13 am  from: Sam
Check battery and starter. Check oil filter, oil pump, fuel filter, etc as well and change if necessary.

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Updated on June 2, 2024