1997 toyota corona premio
1997 toyota corona premio
1997 toyota corona premio
1997 toyota corona premio
1997 toyota corona premio
More photos Toyota Corona Premio

1997 Toyota Corona Premio troubleshooting problems in Kenya

Report a Problem

Date:November 2, 2011, 8:27 am
Name:jared gude omwanda
Location:kenya, kenya, nairobi
Vehicle:Toyota Corona Premio
Modification:premio e 1.8
General comments:good in fuel consumption
no noise pollution
Problems:noice when accelerator pedal is pressed:"ckrrrrrrr" like whistle.
delays to pick when accelerator pressed like when overtaking hence prone to accidents if not careful!
Previous car:toyota corolla

Suggest a Solution

June 15, 2015, 11:14 am  from: JohnArt
If its the 7A engine, check to ensure that the air filter is clean. If that's ok, check the vacuum controlled intake butterfly to see if it is broken. With the engine is running, rev the engine it should move back and forth. If its broken you may have to change the throttle body. What i did was to get one from another Toyota vehicle (wish) and modify it using the bracket from Premio.

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Updated on June 2, 2024