1998 toyota corona premio
1998 toyota corona premio
1998 toyota corona premio
1998 toyota corona premio
1998 toyota corona premio
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1998 Toyota Corona Premio engine vibrates and lacks power problems in Kenya

Report a Problem

Date:June 10, 2011, 12:01 pm
Name:David S
Location:Kenya, Nairobi Area, Nairobi
Vehicle:Toyota Corona Premio
Problems:The engine vibrates as if its not getting enough fuel to idle.It also lacks power and the the wheels seem vibrate too when i accelarate.Have changed the plugs,but the problem is still there.help!

Suggest a Solution

October 15, 2013, 6:43 am  from: stanford
Try to change the ignition coils.
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May 9, 2014, 12:39 am  from: ojul Denis
i have toyota premio it loses power when u slow down the accelerater to 20
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Updated on June 2, 2024