2003 toyota corolla fielder
2003 toyota corolla fielder
2003 toyota corolla fielder
2003 toyota corolla fielder
2003 toyota corolla fielder
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2003 Toyota Corolla Fielder intermittent starting problem in New Zealand

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Date:July 19, 2013, 5:31 am
Location:New Zealand, Chch
Vehicle:Toyota Corolla Fielder
General comments:160,000 km on the clock. Good motoring to date
Problems:Starter turns very slowly for say 0.5 sec then nothing. Wait 1 minute and try again - starts normally. One week later, same slow turn-over 0.5s ec, then nothing. Try again 1 minute later all electrical accessories off, same starter problem. Try again - sme starter problem. Eventually a jump start from second car fixes problem. Battery checked - all fine. Several starts after mix of short (2 km) and long (40km) journeys - car starts fine each time. Just waiting for it to be raining late at night...... Any suggestions?

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Updated on June 6, 2024