2006 toyota corolla fielder
2006 toyota corolla fielder
2006 toyota corolla fielder
2006 toyota corolla fielder
2006 toyota corolla fielder
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2006 Toyota Corolla Fielder car not starting problems in New Zealand

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Date:June 19, 2014, 7:25 pm
Location:New Zealand, Porirua, Wellington
Vehicle:Toyota Corolla Fielder
Problems:When applying pressure on the brake pedal to push the start button, the car beeps and a symbol of a key with exclamation mark through it shows up?
my manual book is in japanese!!! I dont read japanese.
and winter has arrived, maybe it's cold???

please help...

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June 4, 2016, 2:59 pm  from: david
It cant be then

Cold i live in kenyaand underwent the same problem.
Its really hot here.
Try checking the wiring or else ensure you have your rem
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Updated on June 6, 2024