1999 toyota corolla spacio
1999 toyota corolla spacio
1999 toyota corolla spacio
1999 toyota corolla spacio
1999 toyota corolla spacio
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1999 Toyota Corolla Spacio inside polish problems in New Zealand

Report a Problem

Date:January 14, 2012, 4:23 am
Name:Cathy Watson
Location:New Zealand, Bay Of Plenty, Tauranga
Vehicle:Toyota Corolla Spacio
Modification:Toyota Corolla Spacio
Problems:I would like to know the product recommended by the corolla makers to use on the interior surfaces of my car to keep it looking perfect. Thank you.

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March 16, 2012, 1:33 am  from: garry
There are many products out there but the one I have used for years is the original ARMOR-ALL. It does not leave a sticky residue like some of the others & is formulated to protect all plastic & Vinyl surfaces.
Just clean the surfaces first with normal dishwashing liquid in water with one of those Micro Fibre cloths. Rinse out the cloth regularly during cleaning.
You should only need to use Armor-All 2 or 3 times a year.
Hope that helps Cathy.
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Updated on June 6, 2024