1992 toyota corona
1992 toyota corona
1992 toyota corona
1992 toyota corona
1992 toyota corona
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1992 Toyota Corona transmission not changing to first gear problems in New Zealand

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Date:August 24, 2011, 7:01 am
Name:jale valentine
Location:New Zealand, Auckland, Auckland
Vehicle:Toyota Corona
Modification:trans number;A240E /AT190
Problems:i can still drive my car but the problum is when i move my car ( D) it goes very slow but if i put the gear to (L)it moves but after that for some time looks like the gear not change (after i put it back on (D) some times it work when i drive like 15 to km then it start changing gear . i tryed to change the oil clean the steel filter but does not get batter . please help me if you can its AT190 /Transmit A240e engin A4fe

Photo Toyota Corona

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August 13, 2013, 6:04 am  from: Jayden

Did you find a fix for this? I am having same issue.
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August 13, 2013, 6:04 am  from: Jayden

Did you find a fix for this? I am having same issue.
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January 23, 2014, 6:10 am  from: davic 19
maybe is ATF problem if not Gear box need chance it
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Updated on June 6, 2024