2003 toyota hiace
2003 toyota hiace
2003 toyota hiace
2003 toyota hiace
2003 toyota hiace
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2003 Toyota Hiace engine problems in Bangladesh

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Date:September 14, 2011, 11:15 am
Location:Bangladesh, Dhaka, Dhaka
Vehicle:Toyota Hiace
Problems:Piston ring. It has been wear . After starting vapor is exhaust with exhaust gas.
What will we do for chassis wear.
Exhaust is very dark. How will be solved?
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September 18, 2011, 1:49 pm  from: gary
diesel engine ?
check/replace air filter element.
change engine oil and oil filter.
adjust engine vavles clearance if necessary.
check injector nozzle spray pattern and pressure- this will require calibration shop to work on it.
check/clean the throttle body. if you see throttle position switch on throttle body, do not adjust/move it.
let professional do this.
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November 22, 2011, 4:30 am  from: Delwar Ahmed
water vapour is common and indiactes complete burning of fuel and it is normal. If it is white smoke than you have leaky head gasket...oil is leaking into the cylinder head. if it is black than you have leaking fluid into the cylinder head...signalling a major problem.
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Updated on June 6, 2024