2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
2004 toyota passo
More photos Toyota Passo

2004 Toyota Passo knoking when start ac ( oil) ,making sound and not run as without ac problems in Bangladesh

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Date:April 3, 2012, 8:34 am
Location:Bangladesh, Dhaka, Dhaka
Vehicle:Toyota Passo
Problems:When I start my AC then car is knoking too much on signal with gier and netural also.And car not running fast as without AC.My car is 1000CC.And if I start AC on CNG then car is not muving.
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January 22, 2013, 8:06 am  from: Lipon
Same problem in my passo 2008.please help me.
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Updated on June 4, 2024