2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
2005 toyota corolla fielder
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2005 Toyota Corolla Fielder slow pickup problems in Fiji

Report a Problem

Date:December 3, 2010, 4:00 am
Name:M. Taofiq
Location:Fiji, Central, Suva
Vehicle:Toyota Corolla Fielder
Problems:slow takeoff, does not pick speed as you shift it after stopping.

Suggest a Solution

January 7, 2011, 12:44 pm  from: Joseph
This might mean that the plugs have a problem, change the plugs and the rest will take care of its self.
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January 20, 2013, 2:32 pm  from: salmankhan
fielder car 2006 pickup not good ifeel heavy drive i mean not smoth drive can i used carborator spray for sensor cleaning ur help plz
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Updated on June 1, 2024