2004 nissan serena
2004 nissan serena
2004 nissan serena
2004 nissan serena
2004 nissan serena
More photos Nissan Serena

2004 Nissan Serena starter problem in Kenya

Report a Problem

Date:December 1, 2011, 12:05 pm
Location:Kenya, Coast, Mombasa
Vehicle:Nissan Serena
Problems:this car drives very good but recently it started have a difficuty ,you have to turn the key four to five times before it can starte (hard starte)
i took for diagnostics and they said its a senser problem which i fixed by buying a new one. it went for one month then it ssrt of started again so i changed it.
do this car have this problem or is it just a sensr malfaction plse advice so i know what to d
Previous car:t-vitz
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Photo Nissan Serena

Suggest a Solution

January 21, 2012, 5:23 am  from: Mekail B Mohd Aris

I have an advise. Why not you try sent your stater here, Malaysia.If you really interested call my hp no:60193853008

P/s:Here in Malaysia also we got expert in change used spareparts become like a new one. No worry Be Happy
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Updated on June 2, 2024