2003 toyota succeed
2003 toyota succeed
2003 toyota succeed
2003 toyota succeed
2003 toyota succeed
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2003 Toyota Succeed switching off problems in Kenya

Report a Problem

Date:December 6, 2011, 4:54 am
Location:Kenya, Nairobi Area, Nairobi
Vehicle:Toyota Succeed
Problems:My car that has given me good service for over 2 years has been having a problem that has baffled mechanics. Once in a while, it can not accelerate, indicates check engine and goes off. After a few minutes, once you start the engine, it moves on well.
Previous car:Toyota 109, Manual
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September 22, 2012, 1:26 am  from: mark
muffler sensor lol it malfunctions and we still don`t know why it fools the computer. just pull it out or change it

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Updated on June 2, 2024