1997 mitsubishi rvr
1997 mitsubishi rvr
1997 mitsubishi rvr
1997 mitsubishi rvr
1997 mitsubishi rvr
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1997 Mitsubishi RVR fuel consumption problems in New Zealand

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Date:April 2, 2011, 4:56 am
Name:David Robinson
Location:New Zealand, Canterbury, Christchurch
Vehicle:Mitsubishi RVR
Problems:Concened about the fuel consumption of my 97 2.3litre RVR which I just purchased.

It looks like I will be getting less than 300 k's out of 1 58 litre tank.

Is this normal?

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April 22, 2011, 2:12 am  from: gregp
Hi David, check my post here to Collet,hope it helps : Mar 4, 2011 High fuel consumption 1995 Mitsubishi RVR
1 comment Collet Viriri
Zimbabwe, Harare East, Harare
Will upload specs I could find, hopefully your motor the same. The guys at Simon Lucas Auckland have been very helpful in my queries iro fuel consumption and associated problems.

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Updated on June 2, 2024