2003 toyota verossa
2003 toyota verossa
2003 toyota verossa
2003 toyota verossa
2003 toyota verossa
More photos Toyota Verossa

2003 Toyota Verossa meter problem in Pakistan

Report a Problem

Date:March 28, 2011, 11:13 pm
Name:Muhammad Nauman
Location:Pakistan, Sindh, Karachi
Vehicle:Toyota Verossa
Modification:1998 cc
Problems:I have two problem in my car meter. 1st problem is i have filled my fuel tank full with petrol but the fuel gauge is not working its still at empty and the 2nd problem is my car meters light half meter is glowing and the other half side actualy the rpm sides lights are off. Please tell me what to do.
Thank you.
Previous car:Toyota Prado
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September 17, 2011, 6:40 pm  from: khurram anis
I have also Verosa and I know from where you can get the solution of your meter problem, if you want to contact me you can contact me through email or on my cell.
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Updated on June 8, 2024