2011 toyota allion
2011 toyota allion
2011 toyota allion
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2011 Toyota Allion changing settings on smart key problems in Sri Lanka

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Date:August 28, 2011, 3:30 pm
Location:Sri Lanka, Central, Kandy
Vehicle:Toyota Allion
Problems:i want to know weather there is a way to change the settings on smart key.... in my vehicle, i cant unlock the doors by touching the handles of any of the back doors.
but if i touch any of the front door handles all the doors unlock. can i unlock all the doors by touching the back door handle?

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September 19, 2011, 7:51 am  from: PK
As far as I know, it's only the front door handles equipped with that facility. Notice that only front door handles has the black square touch switch.
July 22, 2012, 5:48 pm  from: Patrick
No, you can't. If you have the japanese manual, there are pictures stating this (I don't understand Japanese either). There are several sensors all around and inside of the car. Only the front doors and the boot and somewhere near to the gear box mechanism have the sensors. The back door handles do not have.

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Updated on June 7, 2024