2001 suzuki aerio wagon
2001 suzuki aerio wagon
2001 suzuki aerio wagon
2001 suzuki aerio wagon
2001 suzuki aerio wagon
More photos Suzuki Aerio Wagon

2001 Suzuki Aerio Wagon swicthing off after a few km problems

Report a Problem

Date:March 19, 2012, 10:15 am
Name, Location:gary nyumbu
Vehicle:Suzuki Aerio Wagon
General comments:i have put it on a machine and it says crankshaft sensor if so where can i get it and how much?
Previous car:monza opel

Suggest a Solution

June 13, 2012, 10:26 am  from: Lucci

I heard that you can take a sample of your spare part and take it to work shops at garage and they will make the same spare parts by using other readily available parts for other models.I think this will work out if still in need.
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Updated on March 17, 2025