2003 suzuki aerio wagon
2003 suzuki aerio wagon
2003 suzuki aerio wagon
2003 suzuki aerio wagon
2003 suzuki aerio wagon
More photos Suzuki Aerio Wagon

2003 Suzuki Aerio Wagon electrical problem

Report a Problem

Date:July 9, 2011, 5:57 pm
Name:mike beckett
Location:United States, New Mexico, alamogordo
Vehicle:Suzuki Aerio Wagon
Problems:Starter will not engage, bought a new battery and still have the same problem. All the dash lights come come;, but when you turn the key to start all the lights go out and the engine will not start, in fact the starter will not engage.

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July 21, 2012, 3:07 am  from: sunil
i think u should try cleaning the battery terminals and check ground wire also the positive wire if good then i think u should have a relay install to the starting system.
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June 2, 2013, 11:57 pm  from: James
just lookind at this ,and i know thwe original post was a long time ago ,but there is a heavy ground wire from body to trans case that rots off and causes this problem .
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Updated on March 17, 2025