2002 toyota regius
2002 toyota regius
2002 toyota regius
2002 toyota regius
2002 toyota regius
More photos Toyota Regius

2002 Toyota Regius fuel consumption problems

Report a Problem

Date:May 21, 2016, 3:26 pm
Name:Kourshed alam
Location:Bangladesh, Chittagong, Rangamati
Vehicle:Toyota Regius
Problems:My car is a Toyota Prado model 2000 with a 3rz 2.7(petrol) engine
It's consumption rate is 4km per litre but I feel this consumption is too high and can't handle any more.
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July 19, 2016, 8:30 pm  from: Delwar
For an car with 2.7 litre engine (4 km/litre or 10 miles/gal) that is normal consumption and you should not be surprised. Remember that it is a big engine and to move that thing it takes lots of guts!
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Updated on March 18, 2025