1997 toyota windom
1997 toyota windom
1997 toyota windom
1997 toyota windom
1997 toyota windom
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1997 Toyota Windom car shuts off when you press gas problems

Report a Problem

Date:August 21, 2024, 12:53 am
Name:Charmaine Thompson
Location:Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas
Vehicle:Toyota Windom
General comments:Car was running and driving before and up to the day I replaced the water pump
Problems:I recently changed the water pump and since then the car starts, rols over, but when idled it shuts off, timing checked, fuel injectors cleaned, air flow sensor checked, fuel filter changed, fuel pump checked, one of the coils is not giving power, spark plug hole was regroove d,and new plug put in, but car still shuts off sometimes with backfiring, please help
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Updated on March 17, 2025